

Hello! I'm Leah and I am currently a sophomore taking English 1301. I am trying to survive high school and balance all my classes. I enjoy playing with my two silly dogs, spending time with my family and friends, and taking time for myself to relax. I like to wind down by watching movies with my sister and mom, and recently, I started doing resin art, which can be very relaxing. I LOVE pandas, and flowers, as you can see from my personalized banner!
The essay topics I choose to write about are reflective of who I am. Every topic I select is drawn from my life, my ideas, and what I stand for. 
Thank you for taking the time to learn about me, happy reading!

Flowers 🌺 in my yard 🌸


Above is My Shih Tzu puppy LuLi and My Schnauzer Greta



Profile-The San Jacinto Plaza

Feisty Grandma + Middle School = Cultural Literacy-Literacy Narrative

Reflection-A Family’s History in One Photo

Literacy Narrative - Strawberry: A Grandpas Influence on Literature

Report-Blood Transfusions, Worth The Risk?

Literacy Narrative