
Hi! My name is Miah, and I'm a junior in high school making my way through English 1301. I, contrary to my fellow writers on this blog, am not the best at writing. Nevertheless here you will find posts about topics that reveal the contents of my mind. Playing the piano and hanging out with friends and family are my favorite pastimes. I come from a large family, which influences my everyday life, and whom I love very much. I have two dogs, love math, makeup, and making people laugh.  If you want stories from high school students then read on, you're in for a treat.



Profile-The San Jacinto Plaza

Feisty Grandma + Middle School = Cultural Literacy-Literacy Narrative

Reflection-A Family’s History in One Photo

Literacy Narrative - Strawberry: A Grandpas Influence on Literature

Report-Blood Transfusions, Worth The Risk?

Literacy Narrative