Feisty Grandma + Middle School = Cultural Literacy-Literacy Narrative

By Leah 

Throughout my literacy narrative, I discussed my journey of literacy in the Mexican culture and the Spanish language, learning to recognize it as my own, and see just how big of a role it plays in who I am. In my essay, I discussed the various ways I found my place in the Mexican culture, the locations which allowed me to embrace who I am the most. Oddly enough, these places turned out to be, for the most part at school. One of these places was Folklorico club. This is a traditional Mexican form of dance in which women and girls wear large, colorful skirts, waving them around to showcase the vibrant colors. I danced my heart out in this club, and waved that skirt with pride.

Above is an image of a Folklorico dancer in her vibrant colorful skirt.

I also told the story of me and my family's arrival to our new home where we would live with my grandmother. I recall being greeted by my family members, each with a huge smile on their face. Their smiles provided me with a certain reassurance, making me feel as though I was exactly where I belong. 
The house, lined with a hideous green color, appeared meaningless and ugly on the outside, while on the inside, so many memories were created and made into special family moments worth remembering.
The emerald color 😬
  The tiles of the house, also hideous for a 21st century home in my opinion, contained a checkered black and white pattern, the dust clearly visible on each black tile. However, despite the bad home decor, I love this house because of the memories and feelings experienced inside the walls of the house. My most special home truly means much to me. Not only does it play the role in my memories as one of the places in which I became literate in the Spanish language and learned to recognize the Mexican culture as my own.
The Old Fashioned Checkered Tiles In My Grandmother's Home
The old fashioned checkered tiles🏠



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Literacy Narrative