Profile-The Johnson Trio


El Paso weather has been something else for the past few days. It was hotter than even I, an El Paso native, could handle and suddenly there is snow and rain all over the city. But that's El Paso for you, it has some of the craziest weather I've ever seen.

The weather is just one part of El Paso however. Roaring with excitement, filled with talented individuals ranging from all ages, El Paso holds many gifted people within its bordersWhile some may never get the chance to pack their bags, seeking out their dreams, others luckily find their way outside of the surrounding Franklin Mountains. Part of these lucky few include a triad of siblings, The Johnson Trio, of which consists of two brothers and a sister that sing, perform, and create art of all mediums and genres for the country to enjoy. 

The Johnson Trio. Photo Courtesy:

The three siblings include Brandon, Chance, and Shelby, each possess their own talents. The tight-knit siblings each watched each other grow and evolve into their own separate talents and individuals. All three still actively participate in the El Paso Symphony Youth Orchestra

Brandon wrote his first song at eight and then produced his first album at twelve. As I interview them, it is clear Brandon takes on the role of leader as his demeanor radiates a comfortable confidence and each question owns a justification or explanation to better explain his point. His greatest achievement: “I earned a Guinness World Record at twelve, and that was after beginning music at the age of eight.” The world record was earned for the World's Youngest Professional Music Producer. Brandon produces and produced six personal albums along with helping other artists produce their own creations. “I like to write songs that are based on real experiences, things that have happened to either myself or friends and family. I also like to keep the music broad and vague so that anyone can relate to it.” He enjoys helping others bring their songs to life and likes to collaborate and offer his services to aspiring singers and songwriters.

Chance has been art of all mediums and he had an early introduction to it due a memory of an experience with his dad. “My father had a sketchbook and I’d go through it and I remember thinking it was super cool and wanting to try and create something just like him.” Chance prefers to work with acrylic and it is his favorite medium to work with. To the mountains, across the freeway, the city offers him an expanding reference to connect his art to. The piece that holds a large amount of his heart, placed diligently on a large canvas, exhibits the freeway stretching across as the mountains linger in the background, sitting tall. As for any trouble producing pieces, he claims “I’ve never experienced [an art block]. I’m not sure why.” His greatest memory? The time he made the front cover of the El Paso Times at the young age of ten for his artwork! 

Last, but certainly not least, Shelby appears to be more reserved compared to her brothers. For the future, she hopes to attend law school. She also prefers other hobbies, such as track, over her musical talents. She enjoys playing alongside her brothers rather than solo. I asked what it was like to be the youngest sibling and the only girl at that, as someone who is the oldest of three girls. She said is allowed her freedom and that it is enjoyable. The achievement that makes her proud came from making it to regionals in track, a sport she carries a passion for. 

The Johnson Trio each holds their own talents and their own grounds. They experienced that art and music young and attached themselves to it. They are all thankful for the family they are a part of. “Family has played a huge part of where we are now, each of us. Without our parents, we probably wouldn’t have had the experiences we have had. The opportunities we’ve experienced are thanks to them.” Brandon stated. Whether its sports, music, or art this family is close, and each know they can rely on each other.  



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